Simple Laser Tag games
Simple scenarios of laser paintball are an option for a recreational game, laid back and without specific tasks. They differ in small details while the main objective is just to have fun by eliminating other players
Simple scenarios at Laser Arena:
- Quake – everyone aqainst everyone
- TDM – shootout in teams
Dynamic Laser Tag games
Dynamic scenarios of laser paintball at Laser Arena are characterised by a task, simple at first glance. The playfield’s construction and engagement of the opponent make it much harder to complete. Easy o say: take the flag from the enemy. Harder to achieve. Basic characteristics of dynamic scenarios at Laser Arena:
- intense gameplay with a simple to use device
- dynamic returns to the game after a hit
List of dynamic scenarios
- Towers – game about keeping control on the playfield with the use of Dome towers
- Berta and double Berta – take the Berta or Bertas as far as possible in the opponent’s direction
- Quake Berta –we play all against all. The winner is the one who will have Berta with them at the end
- Classic Domination – take control over the playfield. The team which can control the playfield longer, wins
- KillhouseDomination – take control over the playfield. The team, which takes control the higher number of times, wins
Advanced Laser Tag games
Advanced games are more demanding and complicated game modes. Here it is not enough to just press a button and defend. You have to repeat a code, plant a bomb or plan a bank heist.
A few characteristics of advanced games:
- more complicated devices and gadgets
- tasks can be different for each team
- teamwork helps in completing the task
Lista scenariuszy zaawansowanych:
- CounterStrike Bomb – one team plants the bomb while the other tries to not let that happen by taking it or defusing once it’s planted (minimum 6 people)
- Code Bomb – terrorists plant the bomb, but to do it they must type the correct code. Defusing also requires typing the correct code
- SkyNet – teams receive points by repeating passcodes on devices. The harder the code the more points you get
- Gold Rush – steal gold and deposit it in treasuries. The treasuries must be defended because gold can be stolen
- Bomb Quake – game for 3-5 people – we play all against all – who will defuse the bomb first?
- Spies – teams receive points by infiltrating the opponent’s side
Challenge Laser Tag games
Games – Challenges are usually played as part of bachelor parties or birthdays. It is the Groom, Bride or Birthday celebrants who wear a bomb and take on the challenge to defuse it.
„Fear is a reflex. Courage is a decision”
What special challenges we have prepared for daring adventure seekers:
- John’s Belt – the daredevil has the task to defuse a bomb mounted to their chest in a limited time and set number of lives
- One Against All – the darer by themself takes the game against remaining participants of the event