
Birthday party

Birthday shooting on Magnum Arena Gdansk

Birthday party after games
Our party room is ready for you and your friends :)

A remarkable birthday party in Gdansk combined with a dose of adrenaline during the ASG paintball team game?

Magnum Arena is a great place to meet friends and have fun together. After the game, we invite you to organize refreshments in our party room. Order what you like best. First a bit of adrenaline, then a birthday cake, pizza and favorite drinks – it’s a recipe for an unforgettable birthday party in Gdansk.

Ideas for birthday party in Gdansk

Special challenges for birthdays
Regardless of the weather
Almost in the city Centre of Gdansk
Opening hours 10:00 - 23:00
Shooting meeting with friends with birthday party after the games
The cheapest games are between Monday and Thursday

Example of shedule on birthday parties

  1. Preparations to the games that lasts 20-30 minutes
  2. We start with warm up game
  3. Dynamic scenarios: Speed, Flags, Dominations
  4. We change the map and play Spies, Counter Strike, Kollhouse
  5. Challenges for birthday
  • All games are guided by set instructor for your group
  1. After the games we invite you to our party room, where you can prepare your party with your cakre, pizzas and beverages (extra for the room +10PLN/person for 1h and +15PLN/person for 2h)

Paintball ASG is not only a great option for birthday parties

It’s also a great way of spending time with friends. The birthday game is an opportunity to meet and have fun together.


Regardless of your age: 10, 15, 18, 21, 30 or 50 years old, playing ASG paintball is for everyone – even for the girls!


If younger (10-13 years) players want to take part or your group wants to have a little less intense experience-  we will use our reduced power rifles. Groups searching for a bigger dose of adrenaline will be able to use the standard powered guns.

Birthday party for Small Commandos (from 10 years old)

Specially for younger participants, we have prepared guns with reduced power. Because of that they can have fun and play safely just like adult players.


Players will be equipped with protective masks covering their entire faces. The masks have size adjustment and protection against accidental slipping. The equipment we use is professional and high quality.


Dear parents! The age limit has been set by convention. It all depends on the participant himself. If he’s 9 years old but is a brave adventurer, he can take part in the fun. However, if he is 11 years old, but he hasn’t yet been interested in extreme sports and prefers to spend time rather calmly – this is not a game for him.


Before booking, we invite you to see the object, fire a few test shots from our guns and decide for yourself if this is what you are looking for. There are many interesting places in Gdansk, we will gladly share our experience in organizing this type of events.

Birthday party for bigger commandos :)

Birthday madness in the form of solid shooting game with friends is the offer for every adventurer. At your disposal there are two different separated game tracks with total area of 1500m² including full facilities: locker rooms, toilets and showers. We have an armory with lots of guns to choose from and the best game scenarios.

After the game, we invite you to organize refreshments in our party room. Order what you like best. First a bit of adrenaline, then a birthday cake, pizza and favorite drinks – it’s a recipe for an unforgettable birthday party in Gdansk.

Sounds good, huh?

We believe that the best birthday presents are vouchers for unique experience.

Give your dear one something more than just a gift, give the experience.

Vouchers are sent by post or e-mail. It is possible to collect the voucher in person on the arena.

  • The voucher can be booked even for 1 person. The gifted person enters on the basis of a voucher while the rest of participants can pay for the game on the spot.
  • The voucher can also be used on open games, open games schedule can be found on our fanpage
  • You’ll have a lot of time to use it, don’t worry! Vouchers are valid for one year.


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Details of the offer for a birthday party at Magnum Arena in Gdansk

Each player will receive full equipment:

  • Fleckatrn uniform
  • PortWest protective gloves
  • Valken protective mask  mask
  • ASG gun replica with a supply of ammunition.


What could your birthday party look like?

First, we will prepare you properly for the fun. We will choose the right size of gloves and uniforms, present the rules of the game, then choose guns and learn how to operate them.

After that we will go to the game itself. We will start with a warm-up and continue, gradually varying the fun. Finally, we’ll play something more complicated – the advanced scenario being a kind of mission to accomplish. A great recipe for a birthday fun :)

Our animators will lead the whole event. We will take care of safety, technical issues and course of scenarios.

Finally, we invite you to our party room where you’ll have the opportunity to organize a birthday meeting with friends.

All our birthday parties are private games

Invite your friends and organize your birthday in Gdansk at Magnum Arena.

An exemplary course of the birthday game at Magnum Arena in Gdansk

  1. Preparations take about 20-30 minutes
  2. Start shooting with a warm-up game
  3. Some dynamic games like capture the flag or speedsoft game
  4. Change the track to the second one and some advanced games here
    • Plant the bomb
    • Bank robbery
    • Challenge

* All game are guided by an instructor that will take care of everything


  • We invite you to our party room, where you can stay and prepare birthday party. We provide a room with tables and chairs (extra paid +15PLN/person)

What distinguishes our offer

Special offer for students
The arena is very close to the center of Gdansk
High quality guns, clean and hygienic equipment

Reservation request

Info about game


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How much does it cost?

The price depends of a day, start time, game lenght and equipment class.

Examples from our price list:

  • 1,5h games + preparations with full equipment in Saturday is 139PLN/person 
  • 1h games + preparations with full equipment in Friday or Sunday is 99PLN/person
  • 1h games + preparations with full equipment for students in Monday-Thursday between 10:00 and 15:00 is 69 PLN/person

Detailed price list is here: [CLICK THE LINK]

How to make reservation?

Fill reservation form. Click “Book a game” box in main menu

Send us an email to bok@magnumarena.pl or contact us through Facebook’s messenger.

Call us: +48505978511

How does the game look like?

  1. Every game is guided by set instructor to your group. We will take care about games, safety and technician issues.
  2. Firstly we have preparations. You will get uniforms, gloves and masks in the changing rooms. Then you choose your bb gun and we explain rules.
  3. Warm-up for the first game that let players get first experience with the game before harder games
  4. Next are dynamic games like Flags, Dominations or similar
  5. Then we play more advanced like Bank Robbery or CounterStrike
  6. After time has elapsed we finish the game. Meeting in changing room to hand over the equipment

Does it hurt? Is it painful?

  • We have two levels of power that you can choose: stronger guns for full adrenaline and stronger experience after hit or lower power guns for people looking for lighter game, where hits are safe even for players 10 years old
  • Bullet is much more lighter than in classic paintball. Energy of bullet is lower. But it can be still painful because of piercing/stinging effect. Lower power eliminates this effect to minimum with enough range and accurate of shoots

What is the limit of age?

  • Younger players than 10yo should not take part in the game
  • The minimum age of player is 10 years old

Send us your phone noumber. We will call you back :)

12:00 - 20:00 (12pm - 8pm)
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